๐Ÿฅ‘Spitfire Kontakt lib doesn't switch correctly / Legato is always playing

Some instruments have a wrong UACC KS base note setting, which you must correct to make those switches work.

From the Spitfire manual:

1b. โ€œKEYBOARD SHIMMERโ€ - This shifts your bank of key switches left or right to suit your needs, preferences, or performance. Click on the icon, drag your cursor left or right, and youโ€™ll see the pink bank of key switches follow! Wherever you stop, those will be the new key switches.

The red base note needs to be C-2 or, in other words, the lowest note possible. This way, the instrument will switch with the rest of the Core/Deco/Legato multi.

This is how it needs to look:

Spitfire knowledge base article on moving the UACC KS key switch: https://spitfireaudio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033378974-Moving-the-UACC-KS-Keyswitch

Some Spitfire User Interfaces look slightly different, below you need to edit the "Keyswitches" parameter and change it to C-2:

Last updated