Spitfire Kontakt lib doesn't switch correctly / Legato is always playing
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Some instruments have a wrong UACC KS base note setting, which you must correct to make those switches work.
From the Spitfire manual:
1b. “KEYBOARD SHIMMER” - This shifts your bank of key switches left or right to suit your needs, preferences, or performance. Click on the icon, drag your cursor left or right, and you’ll see the pink bank of key switches follow! Wherever you stop, those will be the new key switches.
The red base note needs to be C-2 or, in other words, the lowest note possible. This way, the instrument will switch with the rest of the Core/Deco/Legato multi.
This is how it needs to look:
Spitfire knowledge base article on moving the UACC KS key switch: https://spitfireaudio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033378974-Moving-the-UACC-KS-Keyswitch
Some Spitfire User Interfaces look slightly different, below you need to edit the "Keyswitches" parameter and change it to C-2: