Kontakt Snapshots are not loading
Art Conductor contains Kontakt snapshots to configure an instrument for articulation switching. Under certain circumstances, those Snapshots don't load straight away.
The version of Kontakt you're using is too old
Kontakt needs help to find the relevant files
Which version of Kontakt is required?
We try to save the Snapshot with a version of Kontakt that has the same requirements like the instrument in question. Snapshots are not downward compatible, that means you cannot load a Snapshot made with e.g. Kontakt 7.10 into Kontakt 7.2
How to help Kontakt find missing files requested by the Snapshot?
Load the instrument first.
Drag the snapshot onto the title bar of the instrument. This helps Kontakt locate the corresponding files.
If you still cannot make it work, please contact Native Instruments. All we do is to save a Snapshot. There are no options we could try and there doesn't seem to be something we could do differently to make your life easier when a Snapshot doesn't load.
Last updated